Why I Live in the country.

I suppose if you live 10 minutes from Wallyworld
it may not be considered
living in the country.
But, considering that I grew up 12 miles from the ATL
I think where I live now
is real country.
We do have deer graze in our yard,
snakes occasionally make an appearance
and we get our water from a well.
Sattelite dish, no cable.
Country it is.
I grew up almost in the city
and lived a mostly city kids life.
I have ridden the bus or train to work.
I've seen pickpockets, saw a feisty girlfriend fight one off, saw a police standoff with guns drawn.
homeless people, drunks passed out on the sidewalk and some other things that are too gross to mention.
Yep, there's life in the city.
We packed up and moved to the country.
We sit on our porch and drink coffee.
At night in the summer the sound of crickets
is deafening.
It is real dark out here at night.
And we love it.
The country life has
slowed us down
given us more family time
and allowed us more time to pause, think, and reflect.
These are all good things.
Some people respond well to nature.
Some folks meet God in a natural setting.
My dh and I are just drawn to these things.
When we go on vacation
we head to the ocean.
That gets us close to nature and God as well.
We can't wait to get those fishing poles in the water and see what the sea brings.
And we like it.
We have lot's of deep conversations surrounded by nature I guess it just
sparks something in us.
I do miss Art Galleries and Musicals performed in the city
and I can drive there if I choose.
Good restaurants are lacking out here as well
but, my cooking skills have improved. Bonus!
My life is richer now for all the time I have
spent with God,
spent with family,
for all the books I have read,
for getting my hands dirty in the garden,
and for slowing down and truly experiencing life
just rushing through.
Well, it's 8'o'clock, gotta go to bed now.
See ya!


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