The oldies but goodies bring some joy to our lives.

The changing of seasons and approaching holidays
bring warmth and coziness and happiness.
We humans like rituals and we are sentimental about holidays past and the people with whom
we have shared those great times.
I have noticed that we are
sentimental about little things too. 
I have a certain mug I use for tea and had not used it this summer.
The fall chill made me want tea and I brought out my "tea mug"
something about that just made me happy.
I trust you have heard, as have I, the discussion about "Starbucks"
seasonal flavors. Everyone is anxiously awaiting their favorite one to arrive.
We were between proper houses one Christmas.
Half of everything including all the Christmas decorations were in storage.
I was not even going to put up a Christmas tree but caved at the last minute.
I ran to the thrift store and bought a few ornaments to spruce up our little tree.
That Christmas was fine and gave us some fun memories to talk about.
But, next year
even though I know we are not supposed to be attached to "things"
when I got out 28 years worth of  saved Christmas ornamnets
it was like meeting up with old friends.
There is something comforting and sentimental about pulling those little items out of storage each year.
So get out that Christmas mug or those decorations.
Pull out your favorite sweater or old sweatshirt.
And enjoy the coziness of the change of seasons
and the approaching hoidays.
As humans, that is part of who we are.
What about you, what things to you enjoy getting out of storage
for Christmas or the change of seasons?


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