Not being too busy.

I have noticed a trend lately.
We are all too busy.
Yes, we should be about good hard work, keeping our commitments and
accomplishing something in a day.
But, do we have to run about at warp speed whipping ourselves into a frenzy in order to feel
that we are living successful and accomplished lives?
It is all
We run our children around from sport to activity to homework.
Are they accomplishing any of those speedy tasks very well?
Are they even allowed to be children?
Do kids throw balls, play with dirt and sticks or even simple things like
crayons anymore?
Do they have a nice meal when the get home?
Surely, the  super busy mom, does not have time to prepare one.

I have noticed that there is another way to live.
Not to harp on my recent world travels but let me tell you a little secret;
the rest of the world does not live this way.
The Swedes enjoy their coffee and conversation following their meal.
and that means coffee in a china cup, a small dessert,
and sharing of your life with another.
The Italians are known for enjoying life.
The meals they prepare, well, they are legendary!
The Italians enjoy and relish and converse. You can see it on their faces
they are happier than the frenzied herd.
They actually walk through parks and sit on benches.
They go to mama's house on Sunday and the whole family cooks a big meal.
We are overwhelmed with tasks in America
but are we excelling?
Something to think about.
I am slowing down as I age and it is o.k.
If I clean one closet, or do one great thing for my business in a day.
that is alright by me.
Learn to exercise your "NO" muscle
and end up with a little time to breathe.
In the end the slow and steady tortoise can win the race 
the hare can get off track due
to distraction and too many activities.
Slow down, take a breath, have an unscheduled hour
and enjoy.
Life is too fleeting
to miss.


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