Live Generously

I have a desire to live generously.
Do you?
What I mean is do you desire to live and give with a big heart?
I don't necessarily mean financially
although that gift may be needed at times.
If I have something I can give to you, share or help you in some way 
do I?
My grandmother was an excellent example of living generously.
She grew up in a shotgun style textile mill house.
She never had much more than a roof over her head and basic food to eat.
when you walked in her front door you were lavished with
and probably
your favorite meal.
At Christmas,
she would walk to the grocery store with one of those little pull carts,
buy each of the grandchildren a box of chocolate covered cherries,
wrap each box and place our name tag on it
and place it under her Christmas tree.
Half of us did not even care for chocolate covered cherries
but man o man
did we cherish that gift!
Because it made us feel loved and special and was given so generously.
So what about us?
Do I give of my time or talents or yes, even money if I am able?
Can I fix someone a meal?
Can I have guest into my home and make them feel loved and welcomed?
Do I drive somewhere at a moments notice if I am needed?
If I have a tool or dishes a truck or dollar
do I give it or loan it?
Let's not hold our earthly possessions with a firm hand.
They are not truly ours anyway.
Do I stop and help a stranger?
Do I make time for my friends?
Let's not be stingy.
My mother always said you should leave a place better than you found it.
That goes for lives and friendships as well.
Have I been generous today?
Small deeds often do not cost much.
But do I give, give, give until I am given out?
Let's all learn to live generously.


  1. Buyin’ a trailer & addin’ a few feet to the idea for a friend's golf cart gettin’-around needs & then loanin’ it out for a pipe!

    Fillin’ the fridge, more than once, for the friends post surgery dietary needs!

    Bringin' to ICU a bag of post-it notes, lip balm, gum & then listenin' to the whinin'.

    Takin' him out for happy lunches.

    30+years of this=generous.

  2. So sweet. LY! (You've been generous as well and listened to a LOT of my whinin!)


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