Your parents live on even after they are gone.

It is an odd thing to be parentless. Mine have both been gone for several years now. I wonder if you ever get over the feeling of the loss of their presence?

I was sorting through some old papers and such and trying to do some summer organizing. In my parent's box I found, High School Graduation programs, vaccination records. PTA membership cards, Navy travel billets, an odd assortment of items. My parents  possessions have been narrowed down to one half of one box, the other half shared memorabilia from my school years,

My son saw me in the organizing process and asked; "Why do you save all these things Mom?" I had to really think about it. Old tickets and such are not of any use. And these life trappings have been narrowed down to only one half of a small box. Why do I save these items? I think because they are things that my parents touched. Their presence is gone. I do have huge and wonderful memories and a legacy of love. But, their own hands held these tickets, these cards, these diplomas. These little mementos are reminders of their achievements and lives well lived.

So I am keeping them. One half of one little box is not much. I have fond parental memories of fish caught, merry-go-rounds ridden, fevers soothed, meals cooked, Christmases celebrated, picnics eaten and mountains climbed and many many more wonderful memories of the stuff of life. These little tangible things will be around for a while longer.

Just because son, just because.


  1. Wonderful post, one day he will understand :)

  2. Very poignant...makes me miss my parents even more. I have those things from my parents and from my grandmother (who lived with us for 15 years and was my best friend growing up) and I TREASURE them.


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