What's Cooking?

I am worried.
I have run into several women lately who have told me "I don't know how to cook."
One of them was easily in her mid forties which was quite shocking to me.
You may say, "that's no big deal."
But, what are these girls eating?
What are their families eating?
We do not live in New York City where take-out is just a phone call away.
We live in a semi-rural area where takeout is scarce.
To me, McDonalds seven days a week is a frightening and health wrecking thought.
I am concerned that women learning to cook is a dying art.
Now do not get me wrong I am all for men learning to cook too. Actually most men make excellent cooks.
Before you think I judge too quickly, I had a working mother who did teach me cooking basics. She  made us delicious meals and we occasionally entertained with home cooked food. Nothing ever store bought or frozen.
She also sewed and made pageant dresses and a few winter coats.
I realize that home economics has gone out of fashion and girls are now playing soccer and mountain climbing and out there working and studying and conquering the world.
But what are they eating to provide energy for all that activity?
Cooking is a fun endeavor once you manage the basics.
And we now have the internet at our fingertips you can learn anything online and videos of most any subject are at your fingertips with a mere click.
I am having thought of a new business endeavor is anyone interested in basic cooking lessons?
So, what about you?
Do you cook?
It is very satisfying to make a home cooked meal.  "Wow, I really did that?! and "We loved that."  is such a nice thing to feel and hear.
Let me throw out another suposition without going too "Glenn Beck" on everyone,
what if we woke up one day and our economy did crash
we had devastating floods or tornadoes and the stores and restaurants were to close?
Would we survive?
Could you feed your family? I have never killed a chicken but I am sure I could if I had too.
Can I make bread or grow vegetables? Can I provide the basic needs of food for my family?
I was taught in American schools of the 60's and 70's that self-reliance was utterly American.
I have learned a lot of skills and I know our family could make it if the system goes down.
I am not a food or seed storer.
I am not a survivalist.
I have just enough skills to make Ma Ingalls proud.


  1. ~ you have shared many kitchen secrets & inspirations with me over the years !! Thank you.


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