Considering Life in 2011.

Amidst the Christmas rush of 2010 
I am already considering how I am going to live my life in 2011.
Our generation lives at a break necked pace
admist all of our conveniences and time saving devices, we are hurried and frazzled.
am I living a richer and deeper life or
am I caught up in the rush of it all?
Is my goal to be an inch deep with the Lord and five miles wide?
Or do I want to live five miles deep and an inch wide?
I want to live
To make that choice a lot of things had to go.
No, I cannot do everything.
For me the determiner is; Am I hearing from the Lord?
Routinely, often, daily?
I have to be quiet and still in order to hear Him.
So there it is 
my determiner.
Now yes, I do have days and weeks which are more hurried and frazzled than others.
But then, I have to,
I must
get back to a place where I can hear
and am connected to the One who knows all
So many times, as Christians, we have all good choices before us.
We are not making evil or sinful choices 
we are choosing between good things.
So we have to ask; "Lord, is that what I should be doing?"
And then wait and listen
and obey.
He will lead. He will guide.
So what about you?
How do you manage the many choices before you?
Are you making good and wise choices?
For me in 2011 I want to hone my skills
and avoid
the frazzled life.


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