A Patriot at heart.

My Children asked me; "Mom, why are you so patriotic?" 
Today seems like a good day to answer.

9-11 strikes a chord in our hearts like no other day. Horror, fear, shock abounded that day and we are grimly reminded of that day, that week,  on the anniversary every year. About 3000 souls lost their lives on 9-11-2001 and we are still so grieved.

My parent's had a day like this, it was December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor was attacked and our Navy fleet was decimated. 3500 lost their lives that day. The battleship Arizona sits at the bottom of Pearl Harbor, still leaking oil, as a grim reminder of that day.

Yet, we were struck but America was not and will not be taken down. Yes, buildings and ships can be destroyed but as Paul Ryan said "America is an ideal" you cannot destroy an ideal.

My father was a Navy WWII veteran. He and his brother and friends ran off to that war and were changed forever. My father was so proud of the Navy and his service and the valiant fight they waged for freedom around the world. We are a family Navy proud and to this day the Navy holds a dear spot in my heart. As a little girl on all national holidays I would help my father raise our little American flag over our driveway at our home. On many of those days at the raising of that little simple flag my father would beam with pride and tears in his eyes. Those tears, the reverence, that honor, affected that little girl and affects me still today.

I grew up in  American schools where we said the Pledge of Allegiance, to our country, every day. We were taught pride in America and studied the founding fathers and gave them the credit due them as revered men. We read their words and thoughts and were taught that these ideals were the greatest of goals for which to strive. Their words and poems still ring in my ears today.

I grew up in an America where soldiers were revered and their service honored. The treatment of our Vietnam vets was shameful and we bear that scar. But for the most part soldiers are always honored for their service and sacrifice. With recent exceptions we honor their service. All the men and women serving deserve our grateful thanks. To the two of our own who serve; your family is so proud of you!

We have been blessed to live in a free country where we can come and go and pursue our hopes and dreams. We can strive for anything and with perseverance we can overcome and reach high and lofty goals. America is a land of opportunity and if we will just seize that we can succeed and be blessed. Because of America's great success millions around the world are also blessed.

As I get older when I hear the Star Spangled Banner I tear up. I have become one of those to whom it means so much. America, this great country, an ideal of freedom and passion and a place where we can freely practice religion or business or sports pursuits if we so desire. America is a place of freedom yes, even until today.

I am grieved at the lack of honor for the ideal of America. I am grieved when we do not honor the flag or the soldiers who fight for our freedom.  I am grieved that we do not honor God  and I am grieved that our children do not say a pledge to this great country or are taught of the wisdom and godly heritage of our founding fathers.  Always remember that the fight for freedom takes courage. Always remember that freedom isn't free.

SO my children, America is still great, still worthy of fighting for, still worthy of honor, still worthy of our prayers. Our country does not replace the love of our God but she is a beautiful ideal. You can tear down some buildings but she cannot be destroyed. That ideal lives in the hearts of many and to millions here and around the world America is as Ronald Reagan said "a shining city on the hill".


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