The Joy of Sabbath Rest

The word immediately brings some thought to our minds.
Aah rest, I need some, I don't have enough, I only get rest when I am on vacation, what is your thought when you hear the word rest?
I just finished reading Senator Joe Lieberman's book; "The Gift of Rest; Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath"
I enjoyed Senator Lieberman's telling of his joy found in a traditional Jewish Shabbat. (Sabbath)
He told of being escorted by capitol police the 4 mile journey walking to his home in Georgetown, as his duties had ended after sundown on Friday and he as an observant Jew must now walk home. He told of the reading of the Torah in synagogue and of the special foods enjoyed by many observant Jews word wide during the Sabbath.
The joy of the anticipation of the weekly Sabbath and the preparations are a welcome ritual in his home.
He of course encourages us all to take a Sabbath rest no matter what our religion.
A great reminder.
I grew up in a Christian home where we observed a more strict Sabbath.
There was no television, no cooking, no shopping, we went to church and then enjoyed a day of quiet rest.
Those Sundays hold a special place in my heart.
We do now attend church on Sunday and try to have a more restful day.
But to observe a true Sabbath day we would have to slow down and eliminate if we wanted to have a more strict day of rest.
We are so frazzled and the world runs at a hectic pace.
We need a day of rest and a day of quiet devotion to God.
We as Christians are set apart.
I think a  good goal in the upcoming year would be to pursue more of a Sabbath rest.
Not out of a sense of ritual but from the heart as an act of devotion.
What about you, do you practice a true Sabbath day of rest?
Thank you Senator Lieberman for the reminder.


  1. "Help us to choose the art of stopping long enough to smell the air of rest, to revel in Your beckoning." Mary Demuth Uncaged p. 34

  2. True, I feel the need to pursue more rest, more joy.

  3. Hi! I loved this post!! I'm Jewish and Sabbath is a mainstay of my life and is the glue the keeps the family together. Please check out my modest yet fabulous fashion and lifestyle blog. I think we have similar morals and can be friends!!


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