On behalf of life.

The pro-life movement is far more that it is ever represented to be. Many pro-life proponents are also pro-elderly, pro-infirm, pro-those with birth defects and or disabilities. Many pro-lifers are against the death penalty, euthanasia and assisted suicide. The movement even includes pro-animal rights proponents  with concerns regarding the treatment of animals ranging from pets to meat production and even contains some vegetarian members among its ranks. (Of course Human Life is always most paramount among the movement) As the media maligns and under reports the great charity of those in this movement let me add that, many in the movement have adopted babies, fostered babies, worked with orphans, worked with the elderly, helped at Pregnancy Resource centers, counseled pregnant teens and women and women suffering post-abortive PTSD. Many among us have spoken around the U.S. and the globe on behalf of pro-life, human rights. Those in this movement have given time, money, effort, blood sweat and tears and prayers on behalf of life. And as this is portrayed as a decades old "dinosaur" movement let me assure you that among the millennial population many are questioning the personal, moral and scientific impact and implications of many life issue policies that affect men, women and children and beyond, many millennial's are working on behalf of life. As we celebrate ALL life today I wanted to present the many facets of this movement of which you may have never heard.


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