Judgmental Ramblings

Judgmental- of or concerning the use of judgement
- having or displaying an excessively critical point of view
the term - judgmental comes up a lot these days.

-just because two might disagree on a topic - does not mean anyone is being judgmental.
-just because one uses a correct ethnic, sexual, political, description of someone - does not mean anyone is being judgmental or stereotypical.
- just because the discussion of sin or repentance or even basic problem solving is discussed - does not mean anyone is being judgmental.

Do we basically believe problems can be solved ? I do! If not then what my psychology degree was all about - changing behavior - was a waste of my time. Yes, people have basic personality traits and tendencies, most of those will not be changed but behavior can change, the way we cope with our environment, can change, our responses to stimuli can change. Attitude is important in every situation and we must learn to take a step back, look at things objectively and see that something different might need to be done. Am I looking at (judging!) my situation or my life correctly? Are we looking at our problems or those of our country correctly?

 Yes, there are horrific circumstances that will not be changed but many great people have endured and some even thrived under great strain and pressure. We have all been blessed by a young girl, Anne Frank, and the writing of her beautiful words in a diary, all the while hiding from the Nazis. We think of Nelson Mandela who while in prison, suffering for many years, changed the political landscape of his country forever. Their endurance has touched us all. Their attitude about their circumstances helped them to survive, they did not crumble under the strain of their circumstances.  We too can be a person of great fortitude.

Judgement comes up all day, every day, the news and TV airings are filled with accusations of judgement.
We used to be able to have healthy debate in this country, now we are being droned into only having one point of view. I don't completely understand where this is coming from but I do not want to live in a USA where we all must be and believe the same things.

Our great ethnic and political  and religious differences were once what made up so innovative and great.

We live in a generation of overly sensitive and overly offended. Let's get upset folks about what really matters not merely personal preferences or small personal differences.

 Wearing a t-shirt for a cause is not really taking a stand. Let's work for the poor and oppressed, against the sexual trafficking in our cities, for the improvement of our economic outlook, against bullying of all sorts.

Let me be free to practice my religion and you be free to practice yours. Let's have political debate without personal attack or demeaning one another. Let's get back to the free and great America we once were. We can accomplish great things. We've been to the moon and back and are now tackling travel to Mars, we too can strive for the stars and accomplish grand and lofty goals.

We are a people who can balance our country's financial budget. We can have the best healthcare for our Veterans and for all. We should have the greatest transportation system in the world. We can conquer poor jobs and a weak economy, we can have decent housing and no one in America should go hungry.

One key must be - and its simple- to stop doing what we are doing that is not working and to start trying something different. This works in our personal lives and well as our political world.
 What did Einstein say; " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Yes, we must try new things and yes sometimes we will fail. But lets hold our chins up and try something else. 

We can be great, in our personal and cooperative lives.

We can live thriving not just surviving lives.

We can get back to excellence and greatness.

 Are we living with a goal of a spirit of excellence? If not, lets get to it.

America can come back to be the great country she once was

 That would be one exciting day.


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