Good can spring forth from our beeping and buzzing almost over the top technical world.
The Jetsons.
Maybe some of you remember the futuristic cartoon many of my age were enthralled with and some of you will not
but in their world they had a robot maid
and fancy flying machines
and they happily glided around the solar system with ease.
As a person of my age growing up in the 60's we thought that by now we too would be gliding around on flying saucers but alas that has not come to fruition as of yet!
We live in an often overwhelming buzzing and beeping and often over-stimulating age. Just walk through the toy department at Toys R Us
and see all the blinky and noisy toys if you want a clue.
I continue to be enthralled and amazed by our progress.
I love Facebook and Twitter and Instagram as well as the next gal.
I continue to be amazed by the fact that my i-phone is really a mini super computer that can find my locale and give me GPS directions anywhere in the world.
As I sat in my comfy office chair this morning and ordered Audibe books which I can read on my phone, computer or tablet
and I can listen to audible via my phone or device
in my car
I was just amazed.
My school teachers of the 60's would be amazed at the progress
we are not buzzing around on flying saucers by now
(a subject about which many a fantastical school essay was written)
I will be flying around in my car this August
listening to
"The Old Man and the Sea"
read to me by
Donald Sutherland
and I will be enjoying every minute of it.
I am amazed by where we are today and intrigued by where we are yet to go
in our pursuit of amazing technology that enriched our everyday lives.
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