Book Review for 2011! It was an interesting year.

Here goes for the 2011 year end book review.
Let's just say, it was a good book year.

My favorite book of the year,
drum roll please,
was no surprise:
Ann Voskamp's
Subtitle: "A dare to live fully right where you are."
Don't we all want to live the full life
right where we are?
Those of you who know Ann and follow her blog, A Holy Experience, were not surprised by the depth portrayed in Ann's writing. As Ann has taught us, gratefulness, is the key to living the joyful and fulfilled life. This book is a treasure, one for the ages. If you don't have a copy, do not walk, run and purchase this gem. I feel confident that the nuggets of wisdom contained inside "1000 Gifts" will be life changing.

Now on to my second favorite book of the year.
By Laura Hillenbrand.
I was touched by this book.
Perhaps I was so moved because my father was a WWII veteran.
Perhaps because I listened to this on audio-book the tale was more poignant and vibrate to hear rather than read.
I was stunned, shocked and mesmerized.
This is a tale of the survival of the human spirit told like no other account I have ever read.
The story of these Japanese prison camp survivors was compelling.
This book contains some graphic horrors of war, so be warned.
But, if you love history or a great war story, this is your read.

My third favorite book of the year,
perhaps an unusual choice,
Senator Dave Liberman's
Senator Lieberman's description of his observance of the Sabbath from His Jewish perspective was a great joy to experience.
The Senator encourages us all to observe a Sabbath as a time honored tradition of a day of rest no matter if we are Jewish or not.
This book provided great insight into the life of the Jewish people practicing their religion.
It was an interesting and enjoyable read.

I read more last year than in the previous year so I am encouraged by that fact.
As a child I loved to read and I still do.
Through reading you can travel anywhere, pursue fantasies or mysteries, learn about any subject and expand your horizons.
Reading enriches my life.
I hope to read more next year.
I look forward to the new offerings of 2012!
I hope you read some great books in 2011 and will go forward  in your reading in 2012!
If you experience a great book please feel free to share it with me.
I am always up for another great reading adventure.


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