Modesty, part two, questions answered.

Yesterday's blog prompted some lively discussion among family and friends. Let me elaborate on a few points.

 I suppose if you are a young person and you read yesterday's post you might be thinking; "So what's a girl (or guy) to do? Let me propose a few answers.

 - Evaluate my way of dress before I head out the door. Am I dressed properly for the situation? 
Yes, there are slouchy days at home wearing pajama pants but if I am headed out to class or a job am I dressed appropriately? There are days when you might be working outside or in cold weather, dress appropriately. There are days when you might be meeting your bosses boss, dress appropriately.

 - Am I dressed to honor a person or a situation? 
Am I headed out  for my one and only chance of a lifetime to go to the White House? Am I meeting the President? If so, I should dress in a way that honors the office of the President of the United States. Similar consideration should be given if I am meeting the President of my University or Governor of a State.
What about a lunch with my grandmother and her friend? A girl can be stylish and modest at the same time. Someone once said that, "You dress to honor the person in authority above you." If I am going to a funeral of an elderly person, I dress as if to honor them.
In America we are immersed under the banner of our freedoms. So much so that often times we take those freedoms as a mantra for any type of behavior or dress. Strength comes through honor. It is alright to lay aside my personal freedoms for a moment and honor someone else.

- Am I dressed using my common sense?
Let's get back to the old pajama pant example for a minute. So let's say I drive to the grocery store in my pajama pants and flip flops. On the way home my car breaks down, so now I may have to walk for help in my grocery store ensemble. Does that make common sense? No! Maybe for some of you your car has never broken down. Mine has and I am always prepared for walking along side of the road. Also, you are not honoring yourself by dressing inappropriately in the grocery store and giving men the opportunity to see things they should not. And, you are not honoring your brothers by being out in public in that situation. If you are a Christian woman you are  obliged to not cause another to stumble. I recently read a blog post by Ann Voskamp, she was at baggage claim with a man, a stranger to her, he said; "I knew you were spiritual by the way you were dressed" Wow! Just by her appearance she gave a spiritual impression. A good thought to ponder.

- Am I dressed for success?
This is an oldie but a goodie. When I get up in the morning and shower, put on my makeup, and pick an outfit. I am ready to seize the day. It makes me feel good and changes my attitude. Then no matter what the day brings, I am ready. I might have to change clothes as the occasion warrants, but I am ready. I encourage you to face the day with a clean start. Indulge yourself, put on a nice outfit, do it just for yourself. Clothes do not have to be expensive in the day of Ross, Marshalls, and TJMaxx.
Then head out for class. You will be amazed at how much better you feel and how much better your attitude is. Head out for your job, dressed for success. You will feel better about yourself and will work better too,  I am sure of it.

When you head out the door you never know who you will meet. Will you meet your next boss? What if he said, "I was really considering hiring that girl but I ran into her in the store and she was such a mess." You never know what or who a day will bring. My husband and I travel and fly a lot. You would be amazed at who we have seen and met in airports. Please don't miss the opportunity of sitting down next to the person who could have been your next boss, on an airplane, while you are in flip-flops and pajama pants. Dress for the next job you want to have.

Finally, we have a tendency to be overly optimistic and say that how I dress does not matter. People should embrace me for who I am not what I wear. At the heart level, that should be true. But, appearance does matter. Your appearance makes your first impression. It takes time to get to know someone down at the heart level. First glances, first meetings are important. I do want you to be true to yourself. But sometimes, and especially as a Christian, we must lay down ourselves, we are representatives of Christ. Where we go, He goes. Let's put our best foot forward and make a good first impression.


  1. It is easy to think of this as a female only issue, but that is far from the truth. I am shocked from time to time when I see what men think is appropriate attire. Every week there is some guy on an airplane with me who thinks a tank top, or worse yet a regular tee shirt he has cut the sleves off of, is approapriate travel attire. Wear it when you do yard work, not when you are on an airplane with us. We don't want to see your hairy shoulders up there in 19B.


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