Don't you miss it when the wonder has slipped?

Don't you miss it? The child like sense of wonder and the longing for magic and a sense of the fantastic? I do. Some days the longing creeps in more than others. Wouldn't you like just one more day that recaptures that childhood  moment of wonder? The waiting for Santa feeling? The when is my birthday coming feeling? The feeling of buying candy from the candy counter and enjoying it feeling! I long for the last day of school feeling, free at last free at last. Don't get me wrong, I see glimpses of the wonder, red and yellow autumn leaves, the newborn babe, the newlyweds at the altar full of promise with all of the wonder of their lives ahead. The beautiful clouds or the falling rain, the majestic mountains or the ocean blue, all inspiring yet do I experience that childlike wonderment? I do still marvel and wonder and praise. Yet, something is missing, that fantastical child like feeling is never fully recaptured, we have stepped back through the wardrobe into this world where people get hurt and are sad and broken. Sigh. Wonderment is missing but I know it lies just beyond the veil. This is not my home, I was made for heaven and for now I am a sorjouner feeling ever so slightly out of place. I long for my true home, the golden city. And I wait and listen for the one who knows me by a name that only He and I will share. He is coming for me, one day, and the childlike sense of wonder will fully be restored. I know it will. I watch...I wait.
John 14:2
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


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