The Value of Having Routine in Your Life
The dh and I were just discussing how weird we humans are.
We long and crave our holidays and vacations.
We look forward to that time of refreshment.
In the midst of enjoying ourselves and of having no routine, throwing caution to the wind, eating too much, sleeping too much, watching too much football,
we have a longing;
to get back to our routines.
Weird creatures we humans are.
And then our pastor preached a sermon about the basics of Christianity and the value of having a consistent time with God.
But, is it?
Are schedules and routines basic to our existence?
Do they have value?
As we have gotten older we do seem to have fallen into a more routine pattern of living.
We are not 100% on anything nor are we legalistic but routine and order do seem to have benefited our lives.
We have a less stressful and chaotic existence. Peace rules and reigns. (for the most part)
How, you ask?
Basic, simple, routine.
The dh gets up at the same time everyday, for me that is the biggest struggle. I need to do better on that one.
We read our Bibles pretty much at the same time and same place everyday. We have quality time with God and His Word.
We are trying a new diet that is a bit regimented and it seems to be working.
We go to bed at basically the same time (with exceptions this New Years Weekend.)
We are exercising. We could use some more consistency here but we are making the effort,
something to improve on in 2011.
How have our lives improved?
Peace is better than chaos, choose peace.
We have had to learn to exercise our "no" muscle. We cannot do everything nor can we do everything well. And when did it become a crime in America to say no? It feels like a crime to some people if you do say no. Really? Having a basic principle of life and a life framework helps us eliminate some choices.
The result, we are less harried and frazzled.
We have also had less sickness.
Really, trust me here, we have less sickness the more orderly our lives have become.
We make the choices that rule our lives the choices do not make us.
We watched the movie "The Debaters" and the father of one of the champion debaters taught his son; "Do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do"
Yep, doing what you have to do comes before leisure or doing what you want to do.
As the dh says, Big Rocks. Tackle the "big rock" things first. The things you have to do first then fill in your life with the smaller pebbles. A good working principle .
A good life principle.
Perhaps you think having a "schedule" is boring?
Is there a biblical principle?
God is a God of order.
Look around at His design. It is orderly and not chaotic.
God tells us he sets the sun, moon, and stars for signs and seasons.
Genesis 1:14
Genesis 1:14
He set up a pattern for our own good.
There is a lesson there.
When we had newborns and little children we had schedules for them of eating and sleeping and bathing and play.
Did they benefit? Sure, we brought a pattern of order into their little lives and it made them feel safe and secure.
When we had newborns and little children we had schedules for them of eating and sleeping and bathing and play.
Did they benefit? Sure, we brought a pattern of order into their little lives and it made them feel safe and secure.
But as you keep your schedules or live you basic life principle remember, relationship always comes first.
People before things.
My schedule cannot get in front of the ones I love.
So how about you, do you have a schedule or a basic life principle?
Has your life benefited from order?
We all crave it, just look at all of the January organizing ads. We buy boxes and crates to organize
"our stuff",
do you have a basic life principle to help organize your life?
It that concept worth pursuing in 2011?
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