The most life changing book I read in 2010 was...

Let's start with my book reviews for 2010 .
My classic for the year; "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
A tale of the South, injustice, victory, and life changing growth.
I love this novel and it is beloved by many.
It is still a riveting tale and I could read it once a year from now on.
Hence, the description classic.
It has a timeless message.
This classic turns 50 this year.
I am going to head out and buy a 50th anniversary hardbound edition for my collection.
My favorite novel was, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
The tale of maids working in homes in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960's.
An intimate portrayal of life, segregation, and yet the triumph
of love and friendship to change and conquer
over the basest side of ourselves.
Not a Christian book in any way, a novel,
but a portrayal of life in the south,  and the southern life I do remember as a young  girl in the 1960's.
It reminds me to be grateful for an earthly father who was not prejudiced and did not teach me prejudiced.
And finally, my history book of the year was; "1491" by Charles C. Mann.
The story of the Indians and population of the Americas pre-Columbus was a fascinating read.
The book could have been organized better but it was a glimpse into the world here on the American continent that was fascinating.
And the best book I read in 2010,
Mary De Muth's book "Thin Places"was the most life changing book of 2010.
She shares an intimate portrayal of her life and journey to discover herself and who she is
in Christ and through Christ.
When someone is so open with the reader and shares their heart so deeply you cannot help but be moved.
We share some childhood similarities and her words
touched my heart.
Thanks Mary!
So there you have it, a glimpse into my literary year.
What about you?
What books did you enjoy or have deeply affected your life this year?


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