The Labs of my Life.
If you are not a dog lover you may not understand my affection for my little labs.
Ok, they are not little, about 85 pounds a piece
but I love my girls.
They add much joy to my life and keep me company
when the family is off and conquering the world.
We have the dainty lady Abby who crosses her legs when she lies down.
But be warned, her bark can scare off the meter man and I once saw
Then comes Harper Lee.
She is a lovey dovey people person all the way.
Not only does she sit near you she sits on you.
The dh made a wooden boot bench for our kitchen.
A little chocolate lab chewed on its exposed ends,
I see blonde wood sneaking out from underneath dark stain.
But hey, the perfect daughter and perfect son left their teeth marks on
their crib too!
I will leave all of the marks of babyhood and puppyhood.
Yes, from time to time they are trouble,
they bark when they shouldn't,
they pee and poop where they shouldn't
but the love they give
far outweighs the negatives.
Plus they are protection against the bogey-man,
I think?!
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