Sometimes you have to get something off of your chest.
Our country is headed for a more serious financial crisis if we do not take immediate action.
Our country is headed down a path of destruction if our leaders do not get a grip on our current situation.
I am just at the end of my rope seeing our leaders spend money we do not have.
When our leadership comes up with a phony bologna plastic banana number of
dollars we need to spend to get the economy moving,
remember we are trillions of dollars in debt.
We DO NOT have any more money.
Yes, the President can print more and borrow more but
he is heaping debt on the heads of our children and grandchildren
and mortgaging their futures.
They have no voice about this yet
it is being sent their way.
When our personal budgets collapse
we stop spending.
When you get to the end of your checking account balance do you run out to the store?
No, you look around and see what can I sell, what luxury can I eliminate?
Hey, lets eat the old stuff in our pantry before we go out and buy a steak.
Who in our government will step up and do the same?
I am sure we have timber we can sell, steel we can make, land we can rent, oil we can drill and
get our country back to being producers
rather than borrowers and constant consumers.
Oh and Mr. President, there are some jobs created right there for good old fashioned hard work.
The President said he would go over the budget "line by line.
Has he done it?
And if so, does he feel good about going forth with this lunacy?
Surely NOT!
Who knows how much wasteful spending could be eliminated and raise the balance sheet?
If one, just one, politician steps up and says it all must stop,
he or she will get my vote.
I feel like we are Rome, burning,
while Nero plays his fiddle.
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