We have to live with all our choices.

I am not talking about the relevance or importance of choices.
I am talking about the myriad of choices we have here in America.
We have an over abundance of choices.
Think about it.
Laundry detergent, 25 choices.
Lunch meat, 25 choices.
Cereal, 75 choices.
Fast food, 25 choices on the menu.
Not to grow nostalgic about the good old days but the grocery store was much simpler back in the day.
The fast food restaurant, had hamburger, cheeseburger, french fries, shakes.
And it is great to have so much abundance and so much to choose from.
But, is it really necessary?
Go to the grocery store in Europe and you will see that one can get along with many less choices
and you will also see a more simpler diet with more fresh produce and less, of the processed and refined foods.
Have we made our lives easier or more complicated?
I meet people all the time who have such difficulty making decisions.
Perhaps the over abundance of choices feeds indecision.
We could all do with less.
No, I am not saying throw out all your shampoo and wash your hair with soap.
But, it has been done before and can be done again.
I have been convicted over an abundance of clothes and plan to purge at the end of summer.
Has anyone besides me been plagued by our abundance?
What choices or changes are you making lately?


  1. I had a shortage of hangers. I put on my Wal-Mart list "hangers." I went back to the laundry, put my clothes away. I decided, I hadn't worn that shirt all summer or that one. I never like the way that one fit. Jason got me this and I hate the color. There all of a sudden more hangers and no trip to Wally-World! Happy Me!

    I am thinking about making my own face wash and house hold cleaners. I think that will help with the abundance of junk under the sinks in this house! :)


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