The Value of Really Hard Sweaty Work.

I discovered at age 50
something I really knew all along,
I like working with my hands.
So no, I won't be an accountant,
or an office worker trapped in an office all day.
I will be somewhere doing something with my hands.
I finally gave myself permission
to accept this fact.
Living the country life has played into
my self-realization.
We work hard out here.
I mean really hard.
We have hauled rocks, cut down trees, taken our Labor Day weekend to cut wood for the winter.
We've cleared land, built arbors, made a dry creek bed, tilled gardens, pulled down vines with
chains and a truck.
All, hard work.
And our weekend projects involve dirty clothes and lots of sweat.
The one thing I have learned is
that hard work is good.
Good sweaty work is good for the soul.
Working with your hands is satisfying.
And when you are busy with good hard physical labor,
you don't have time to worry about your troubles.
You are too busy sweating and working.
You are sore
and it feels good.
So I've left the soft city life.
I have been challenged.
I am stronger physically.
I am healthier and feel like I will possibly live longer.
I am stronger mentally.
And I am satisfied with the work
of my hands.
And as Martha says
It's a good thing.


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